Anime Armageddon

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Anime Armageddon

The Funnest of Funs

4 posters



    Male Posts : 7215
    Join date : 2010-12-04
    Age : 32


    Post by quater Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:49 pm

    “Are you sure about this plan, Venomu?” Arashi Ryu asked his superior. Venomu looked across the lab at Arashi and frowned.
    “No, I’m not,” Venomu shrugged. “In fact I would prefer it if I had a bit more time to work on it.”
    “Then why don’t you take some more time?” Arashi suggested. Venomu rolled his eyes and stared at him.
    “If I thought I could take some more time don’t you think I would do that?” Venomu snapped.
    “I suppose so,” Arashi looked over at Darnas who was grinning from the exchange.
    “The plan should work on Mikel. If we can take down Mikel then at least we left a mark on WOTNOPOLIS. Whether we’ll be able to take down TFK, that is an entirely different matter,” Venomu explained.
    “How so?” Arashi asked his boss who was flipping the switches of a machine carefully.
    “Well, a strong surprise attack on Mikel’s forces should be enough to destroy him. I have to make sure I get him out of the way because the last thing I want to do is take on TFK and Mikel at the same time. Plus Mikel’s just kind of been a thorn in my side for a while,” Venomu spoke quickly. “But the attack against TFK needs to go without a hitch. If things don’t go that way then we can pretty much assume that the plan failed.”
    Darnas and Arashi looked at each other with a look of worry. “So you’re saying the chances of success are quite low, Venomu?” Darnas asked.
    “Extremely low,” Venomu continued. “If we’d had more time to work on these things we’d of been okay. But now that the fourth mafia has fallen TFK has begun working on his own plan at a much higher speed. We need to try and finish TFK before he finishes us. And the city with it.”
    “Great,” Arashi said. “So we do our own plan that’s not ready.”
    “Perhaps,” Venomu smiled for a moment. “But let’s look at it this way. The plan will most likely fail. And when that does happen, maybe we’ll get to have a bit of fun before this is all over.”

    “Oi, Shiro,” Q said as he opened his eyes. “You’re not the first thing anyone wants to see when they just returned from the brink of death.”
    Shiro frowned. “Q’s awake, it would seem.”
    Q leaned forward and felt the immediate need to throw up. Bano laughed from across the room where he was leaning against a wall. He had done the same thing. “Why am I still alive?” Q asked as he laid back onto the ground. Pain across his body made him revise that. “Although only barely.”
    “Endless Nothing had an antidote, thankfully,” Bano said. “Oh, and apparently this place is surrounded with cops. They’re waiting to break in and take us prisoner. Well, me and you.”
    “Ugh,” Q said as he grabbed his head. He had a horrible headache. “Tell them I’m sick today and can’t play with them.”
    “Q,” Endless said as he walked across the room towards them. “My brother wants to give you something, apparently.”
    Q looked over at Endless for a moment and shrugged. “Alright, I suppose.”
    Shiro helped Q to his feet and walked behind Q to make sure he didn’t fall over. Q looked at the man lying on the floor.
    Venomu lifted up his hand towards Q. He opened it and revealed a syringe filled with an orange substance. “Use this on TFK, Q,” Venomu ordered. “If you do it’ll mess with his abilities and you should have a fighting chance. I have spent a long time designing this poison. This venom will only work on him, though.”
    Q nodded and took the syringe from Venomu. “Thanks,” Q said as he looked at it. “But why are you giving this to me?”
    Venomu smiled as he looked at Q. “I just want to know that TFK will fall and I helped make it happen,” he said slowly.
    The glass of the syringe exploded in Q’s hands. He fell backwards as he watched the liquid spill onto the ground. The sound of a gunshot echoed through the room. JJDomer stood across the room with a gun pointed at Q. “Q, you are under arrest.”
    “Tch,” Venomu said as he closed his eyes. “It figures.”
    “Little Shiro!” JJDomer said as officers and soldiers filled the room. “Are you aiding and abetting the enemy?”
    “Absolutely not,” Endless Nothing said as he stepped toward JJDomer. “Little Shiro here has quite heroically captured Venomu.”
    “It looks lik-” JJDomer began but Endless nothing waved his hand.
    “I do hope your not questioning me on this matter. I know what I saw. Why, if it wasn’t for Little Shiro, who saved my life after Venomu kidnapped me, I’d be dead,” Endless said as he clasped Shiro‘s hands. “I owe you a great debt of thanks!”
    Little Shiro nodded awkwardly and shook Endless’s hand back. “Don’t mention it?”
    Q felt a pair of handcuffs going on him. Across the room he saw that Bano was being picked up as well. Bano grimaced from the pain in his leg as they stood him up. “And don’t worry about the rest of the Eagle gang as we have them in custody as well,” JJDomer said.
    Q was shoved from behind and forced to walk towards the exit. His body was in agony with each step he took. “Wait up, Q,” Endless Nothing called to him.
    Q turned around and stared at the mayor. Endless Nothing took Q’s hand and shook it slowly and decisively. Q was surprised by the handshake. “Thank you so much,” Endless said. “For everything. My brother was stopped and a lot of bloodshed was saved thanks to you. I am sure you’ll get a very fair trial.”
    Q smiled as he clasped the mayor’s hand. “Don’t mention it.”
    Q and Bano were lead down the underground of the city. “Geez, I don’t get a thank you?” Bano asked Q.
    “You’re not as awesome as me, duh,” Q replied. “Do you think the others are alright?”
    “If they’re in custody then they must be alive,” Bano answered. “At least, I think so. Although how we’re going to get out of jail is beyond me.”
    Soon the two had been lead outside and were being pushed into the back of a cop van. Q felt relieved as he saw Yoyo, Clair, and Knssquad also in handcuffs. “Hey, it’s the boys,” Clair cheered. “So did you do it?”
    Q sat down and nodded. “Barely.”
    “The mayor helped us out,” Bano said. “But yeah, we took down Venomu.”
    “The mayor?” Knssquad asked.
    “He’s apparently Venomu’s brother?” Bano shrugged. “It was weird, but it worked out cause now Q and I won’t die.”
    “What’s wrong with her?” Q asked as he motioned towards Yoyo. Yoyo was curled into a ball and shaking.
    “They took away her swords,” Clair said. “They’re in the front seat, though.”
    “We’ll get them back to you soon, Yoyo,” Q laughed. “I am glad we all made it out alive.”
    “So did everyone else have an awful time of it?” Bano asked. The group nodded. “Well great.”
    The engine of the van started and was soon traveling down the road. Lights were installed in the ceiling of the van. “Geez, this guy doesn’t know how to drive,” Knssquad whined as she peeked through a small window that lead to the driver‘s seats. “Go faster!”
    “Well guys,” Q said. “We stopped Venomu and defeated the second Mafia. The only guys we really have to deal with now is TFK and his group.”
    “Yeah, which isn’t exactly going to be an easy task,” Yoyo spoke up. “Venomu’s group is weaker.”
    “True, but I thought it’d be nice to reflect on this kind of accomplishment,” Q said.
    “Anyway, so how do we plan to get out of here?” Bano asked.
    “Drive faster, cop man!” Knssquad yelled at the driver. “That light had only been red for 5 seconds, why are we stopping!”
    “Screw you guys,” Q said.
    “I got a nice vibe from what you were trying to do, Q,” Clair said. “Um, yeah, go us. Or something.”
    Q tossed his handcuffs onto the ground and stood up. “Geez, you guys never let me have any sentimental moments.”
    Bano caught the key Q tossed him and began to work it into his handcuffs. “Ah, so that’s what happened.”
    “What? What happened?” Yoyo asked.
    “The mayor is helping us break out of jail,” Q winked.
    “During the handshake, right?” Bano asked as he tossed the key to Clair. Q nodded and stepped over to Clair in the cramped van.
    “Yep,” Q said. “Clair, do you think you can heal us all up enough so we can make it back to the bar?”
    Venomu stared at the metallic floor of the van. The handcuffs on his wrists kept him from making any movements to get away. The irony of his own handcuff design being used on him had not been lost.
    There was no sign of Darnas or Arashi Ryu and that gave him comfort. Maybe those two had managed to get away. He’d be fine with that. They had served him a long time and he would be happy if they lived on.
    It was painful for him to hold his head up but he didn’t dare allow himself to sleep. He knew that his time left was very short and he wanted to be aware of all of it. He wasn‘t so much hoping that he‘d live but if there was even a slight chance he‘d take it.
    “Heh,” Venomu thought as the van drove silently through WOTNOPOLIS. “Despite all I learned I’m still scared of death. I’m the same as all the people around me in the end.”
    Seeing Endless again had really ticked Venomu off. He had hoped he’d pass without the humiliation of his brother pointing out he had failed. And to have been beaten by a group with such simple intentions. It pained him to think of it all.
    Venomu hit his head against the wall as the van came to an abrupt stop. He heard muffled screams coming from the front of the car. The lights inside the van went out. The sound of tearing metal came from across the van. It was an awful noise.
    Venomu watched the wall of the car opposite him tear open. He squinted as the sun’s bright light filled the darkened van. The shadow of a man standing at the opening was present.
    “I knew it’d be you that he’d send,” Venomu said. “He can’t send Jose since I made Jose. And Draco has his crazy values. Plus there’s a sense of irony in finishing me off with my own replacement that I am sure he is reveling in.”
    “Perhaps,” the man said as he straightened his tie and looked at Venomu. “You’ve been beaten up pretty bad.”
    “Yes, I have. Handiwork of the Eagle gang,” Venomu said. “Now get on with it. I don’t have anything to say. I knew this was going to happen if I failed. And I failed.”
    “I don’t take orders from you,” Punkfilter said as he reached his hand up and crystal formed around it. “Most people like you prefer to ramble before they die, though, so I figured I’d give you the chance.”
    “Forget it,” Venomu smiled as he looked at Punkfilter. “Just finish it.”
    Q walked over to the metal divider separating them from the drivers and grabbed the side of it. After a moment the wall vibrated and exploded open and Q smiled as he poked his head through it. “Ah, here they are,” Q said as he picked them up.
    “My swords!” Yoyo hiccupped and grabbed them. Everyone looked at her for a moment and she groaned. “Oh shut up. You already all know I’m crazy for my swords.”
    Q tossed Bano his kama and he smiled. He stabbed them into the backdoors of the van and ripped a hole into them. “And out we go!” Q yelled as he jumped out of the back of the van. “Back to the bar!”
    Gunfire echoed through the van as the group ran out of the van and cheered. “To the bar!”
    “I am guessing Endless had something to do with our weapons being in the same van as us,” Bano said.
    “Actually that could have been Shiro,” Q said. “He’s been super nice to us lately or something.”
    “Either way, let’s get the heck out of here,” Bano said as they crossed into an alley.
    “To the bar to have cherry cokes!” Q hollered as they ran.
    “No way!” everyone shouted.
    Punkfilter tossed the blood that had gotten onto his hand onto the ground. He didn’t want any to get onto his suit. He placed his hand on the ground and crystallized spears exploded in every direction of the van. “Goodbye, Venomu,” Punkfilter said as he waved to the van.
    “Hello, Punkfilter,” a man said from a few feet away. “I was wondering if you could help me figure something out.”
    Punkfilter’s hands became blades as he turned toward the man staring at him from a distance away. “I’m in a killing mood,” Punkfilter said slowly. “So if I were you I’d make sure that you’re quick about this.”
    “I can do that,” Amaterasu said as he pulled out a bazooka and aimed it at Punkfilter. “Just tell me one thing. Was it you that killed Teikiatsu?”
    “You can’t possibly think that you’ll kill me with that?” Punkfilter asked. “I’m somewhat insulted.”
    Amaterasu pulled the trigger of his bazooka. The sound of the explosion echoed through the streets as Amaterasu protected himself from the falling debris. Amaterasu strained his eyes against the settling dust to see if he had hit Punkfilter.
    “Excessum,” Punkfilter said and Amaterasu could make out a crystalline wall sliding back into the ground. “Why are you bothering with this? You’re an ex cop now. Go away.”
    Punkfilter checked himself over. “Lucky for you nothing got on my suit so I don’t have to kill you. But I might just do it because you’re kind of a pain.”
    “Just answer my question,” Amaterasu ordered as he aimed his bazooka at the man. “Who killed Teikiatsu?”
    “Plecto,” Punkfilter answered.
    Amaterasu jumped from the ground as spears shot out of it. One clipped his hand and he groaned as he saw blood. His bazooka had been sliced to pieces from the attack. He pulled out his machine gun and trained it on Punkfilter. He shook his head and smiled. “Always so persistent, Amaterasu,” Punkfilter said as he moved closer.
    “You‘re just a murderer,” Amaterasu said. “ I’d be doing WOTNOPOLIS a favor killing you. But right now I just want you to answer my question.”
    Punkfilter looked up at him for a moment. “You do realize you’re not a cop anymore, correct? You have in fact become quite wanted when you joined a Mafia. You’re aware of these things, correct? So what gives you the right to talk about what‘s good for WOTNOPOLIS?”
    “Yes,” Amaterasu snapped. “And I know what I did was stupid. But that doesn’t have to do with what’s going on right here. Which is you not answering my question.”
    Punkfilter stepped closer to him. Amaterasu began firing his machine gun at him. Punkfilter blocked the attacks with a crystalline shield and continued marching towards him. “You know, Amaterasu, I can tell you’re holding back on me here,” Punkfilter said.
    “Well, of course,” Amaterasu stopped but kept the machine gun centered on the man standing a few feet away from him. “If I went at you with my full strength one of us would be dead. I was kind of hoping to avoid that.”
    “Oiy, fine, this has gotten boring,” Punkfilter said. “I’ll tell you who killed your friend. It was years ago but I remember that Draco was sent to do it. You’re lucky I have a good memory. But I’ll tell you this much, Amaterasu. I would of done it in a heartbeat if TFK had asked me to instead.”
    Punkfilter stood a foot away from Amaterasu as he spoke those last words. His cold black eyes stared evenly into Amaterasu‘s. After a moment Amaterasu took a step backward. He kept his gun trained on Punkfilter. He had just seen the man kill a wounded prisoner. He had no doubts that Punkfilter would kill him if he turned his back.
    “Geez, Amaterasu,” Punkfilter sighed and turned away. “You’ve grown up. Back in the old days you’d of lost it over a remark like that. How lame.”
    Punkfilter walked away from Amaterasu and stopped himself. “I wasn’t lying, though. I’d of killed him. And I’d of killed you, too. Except I think you might try to take down Draco. And the thought of that happening entertains me.”
    Amaterasu felt a wave of relief hit him as he watched Punkfilter disappear. “You’re safe now,” Amaterasu said to the air.
    A van’s headlights came on from down the street and drove towards him. “Did you get what you needed to know?” Titan yelled from the van window. “Did you find out who killed that guy?”
    “Yeah, I did,” Amaterasu answered as he swung the door open. He stopped a moment and looked at Titan awkwardly. “Um, thanks for helping me and all, I ow-”
    “Oiy, shut up and get in the van,” Titan commanded him. “I have a business to run. There are kids in the north side who need axes to play hide and seek so get to it. Start polishing them!”
    “Hello, everyone,” Endless Nothing said as he entered the meeting room. The four people at the table looked up at Endless and nodded. “So I just got an interesting phone call. Apparently neither of the vans holding our criminals made it to their destinations.”
    JJDomer jumped out of his seat shaking. “Yes, JJDomer?” Endless asked in surprise.
    “N-nothing,” JJDomer said as he quickly took his seat again. Shiro noticed that his body was trembling and sweat was forming on his palms.
    “The Eagle gang is at large, however Venomu is dead,” Endless Nothing declared. “The rest of the second Mafia is missing. And on a similar note, Destinykil is still missing.”
    “We haven’t caught him yet?” Zakku asked. “You’d think that wouldn’t be too difficult. Its not exactly like he blends in well with his surroundings. He’s a huge guy with tubes sticking out of him.”
    “Why are you asking me about it? Its not exactly my job to find him, its yours,” Endless Nothing asked. Shiro took a sip of tea and shook his head.
    “To add, the third mafia is in complete disarray. Mikel was able to stop Venomu’s army from ever escalating into the threat it was, but before that his mafia took a massive beating. That leaves us with one mafia left in the city,” Endless Nothing pointed at the group. “The original mafia run by TFK.”
    “Then we are left with an extraordinary opportunity, Endless,” Zakku said as he rubbed his hands together.
    “We’re also looking at a grave threat,” Shiro argued. “Yes, there is only one mafia left in WOTNOPOLIS and if we defeated it then we’d be looking at a chance for great stability in WOTNOPOLIS. However, TFK is fully aware of that, too. So he’s going to be extra prepared for anything we might throw at him.”
    “TFK is the original mafia of WOTNOPOLIS. Don’t think its coincidence his never fell, even after the other mafia challenged him and his power. In fact, one could argue that TFK has only gotten more powerful in these past few years,” KKQ agreed. “And yet over the past few months he’s grown distinctively quiet.”
    “TFK has always had his hand in trouble around the city. Even when I was a kid,” Endless said. “The problem was just that we could never pin it down on him with sufficient evidence. And if anyone did ever get the strength to stand up to him one of the three would show up and kill him.”
    “That’s probably why they killed Venomu as soon as they had the chance,” Zakku nodded. Shiro rubbed his hand against his forehead as Endless Nothing grew silent for a moment.
    “So slow,” KKQ whispered.
    “The problem is that over the past few months TFK’s usual problems have stopped. Instead he’s just been delivering and receiving shipments of this or that. When WOTNOPOLIS has gone through a military takeover, has seen the fourth mafia fall, and had Venomu try to destroy the city he didn’t move. He did open up his tower and basically swallowed up a third of the city’s gangs, but even that seems tame in comparison to the rest of the city‘s trouble,” Shiro summed up.
    “That was just the Eagle gang’s ploy to kill TFK,” JJDomer snapped.
    “Which is stranger yet that the mastermind of crime would stay dormant while a gang threatens him to his face,” Shiro responded. JJDomer went back to slight trembling.
    “It seems like TFK is acting strange. Maybe he’s given up?” Zakku asked.
    “Or, and much more likely its that TFK is up to something. And he’s busy working on this project over his stuff. When a man like TFK becomes quiet it’s a bad sign,” Endless said. “We don’t currently have the manpower to take him down, though. And without having an inkling of what he’s up to it would be foolishness to challenge him. The men lost in such an operation would be astronomical.”
    “So you wish for us to standby and let the threat grow?” Shiro asked.
    Endless’s hands formed into fists. He hated the idea as much as anyone. “I just don’t see how we have a choice for the time being. With the three under TFK’s control, any attempt to attack him would leave to giant losses on our side. And taking down TFK is an unthinkable idea for the time.”
    “What about the Eagle gang?” JJDomer asked.
    “I don’t know if they want to fight with TFK at the moment,” Shiro teased. JJDomer glared at him coldly.
    “I mean, what are we going to do about them?” JJDomer asked. “They are extremely powerful and a grave threat to us.”
    “I’ll give you that they are powerful,” Endless said. “But a threat? So far they’ve done very little to harm us. Besides, isn’t capturing them something you’ve taken to heart? How has it been going for you?”
    JJDomer went silent as he stared back down at the ground. “Still, guys, we should be happy,” Endless Nothing sighed and closed his eyes. “We saw one of the greatest threats to WOTNOPOLIS die today. The city has become a little bit safer for everyone.”
    Mikel opened his eyes. Everything inside of him ached but he was still alive. He looked up and saw a man staring at him. He was holding his hand over a wound that was on his chest. The man waved over to him weakly and Mikel recognized him as the man that he had saved from last night.
    Crispi popped into view and smiled. “Boss, you’re alive,” she cheered.
    “Yeah,” Mikel and a twinge of pain caused him to groan. “I have a horrible headache. And why’s he here?”
    Cris pointed at Seshimazi and shrugged. “He took that hit trying to protect you from Draco. I couldn’t exactly leave him behind, you know?”
    “Oh?” Mikel said as he looked over at Seshimazi. “Well thanks, then.”
    “So boss, did Jan, um, you know?” Cris asked.
    “Naw, Jan didn’t lose control. But it was pretty close,” Mikel smiled and leaned back. “I am going back to sleep.”
    Mikel closed his eyes. “Yo, what’s your name new guy?”
    “Seshimazi,” he answered.
    “Hm,” Mikel replied.
    “He says, ‘You have a weird name, but welcome to the new mafia,’” Crispi translated.
    KarateKeyaQ hung up the phone and smiled. She raced over to Shiro’s office and smiled at him. “So I have good news,” she said.
    “Is it about Ama?” Shiro said as he put down a glass of tea. “What’s up?”
    “It seems Titan’s been working on him and is making progress. Although, Amaterasu is planning to go after TFK’s top men, its still something. He’s also gotten over the Eagle gang thing, kinda,” KKQ said. “Eh, just leave him to the general - er - Titan. If anyone can fix him up its him!”
    “Yes, leaving my friend in the hands of a weapon selling crazy woman,” Shiro said. “Sounds excellent.”
    “Titan isn’t a woman. She transcends humanity. She’s an angel,” KKQ beamed.
    “Well, alrighty then,” Shiro responded slowly. “We’ll let things stay as they are, then.”
    “You’re late,” TFK said from behind his office as the elevator doors opened. “Did you have any trouble with him?”
    “None whatsoever,” Punkfilter said. “He was actually very boring about the whole matter. Resigned and stuff.”
    “You should of tortured that weasel,” Jose laughed. “I bet that would have been fun. Why didn’t you let me do it?”
    “Because he created you,” TFK rolled his eyes. “I am sure he has some program inside you that’d make him bow to his command.”
    Draco snickered at this. Jose grew red with frustration as he realized he was being mocked. “Whatever,” he said. “So boss, what do we do now?”
    “The only real threat to our power is the Eagle gang. And maybe Mikel,” TFK said. “And they’re not enough to stop what we have planned for this city.”
    Jose’s frustration changed to that of glee. “When do we get to start, boss? When?” he begged.
    “We’re not at self sufficiency yet,” TFK smiled. “But we’re getting close. Even I have to say this will be a bit of fun in this dull city.”
    Everyone was excited as they contemplated what was soon going to happen. “But for a little bit longer we’ll be patient.”
    “Aw, but TFK,” Jose whined. “I wanna kill! I’ve been locked up for a while. I want to kill!”
    “Shut up,” Punkfilter groaned. “You sound like a child.”
    “A possessed child, maybe,” Draco said. Punkfilter glared at him for it.
    “Let me out!” Jose continued.
    TFK lifted a hand to his forehead and rubbed it slowly. “Go now, you’re killing my mood.”
    Punkfilter and Jose walked over to the elevator. Jose was still whining as the doors closed. TFK stared at Draco who had stayed. “Boss, what should we do about JJDomer?” Draco asked.
    “That idiot,” TFK growled. “We’ll leave him be. He may manage to harm the Eagle gang and that would work out for us. If not, well we’ll kill him in time either way. Oh, and Draco there’s something I’m going to need you to do that’s very important when everything happens.”
    “Absolutely,” Draco said.
    “Yo,” Q said as he looked at the group gathered around the bar. Clair was sleeping on a table after healing everyone but the rest were cheerfully drinking sodas. Despite the joy of having survived a battle against Venomu’s men the group was rather quiet. Anxiety had fallen upon them.
    “Is it just me?” Bano asked. “Or does it feel like this battle isn’t over yet?”
    “It’s not,” Q answered. “What we did here was great but the battle hasn’t been won. We still have to take down TFK. And until we’ve done that things aren’t over.”
    “Geez,” Bano sighed. “It kind of takes the fun out of what happened.”
    “No it doesn’t,” Knssquad corrected him. “I learned Apple pies work fantastically. Although shrapnel milkshakes need work.”
    “Well in that case let’s party!” Bano yelled.
    “Yeah!” Q agreed as the others cheered their drinks together. Bano rolled his eyes as he realized his sarcasm had missed its mark on the idiots.
    Yoyo looked away from her swords for the first time since they‘d arrived at the bar earlier. “I’m more excited than the rest of you. This sword is amazing. But I get the feeling something is about to hit this city. Things seem too calm. There’s a feeling in the atmosphere that things are about to really get shaken up.”
    “Downer,” Q said.
    “Agreed,” Bano nodded.
    “Oh shut up,” Yoyo said and went back to hugging her swords.
    “It doesn’t matter what happens,” Q laughed as he held up his cherry coke. “We’ll definitely take down whatever this city throws at us.”
    “Agreed!” the bar yelled in unison.
    “Guys, I’m trying to sleep here,” Clair moaned. “Geez.”
    “Sorry,” the group apologized.
    “Agreed,” they whispered in unison and drank their sodas.

    Last edited by quater on Sun May 15, 2011 1:14 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Post by Yoyo Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:14 pm

    Haha, love it.
    Though Yoyo's obsessions with her swords is getting kinda odd. xD;;

    Male Posts : 5002
    Join date : 2010-12-21
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    Post by Mikel Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:31 am

    Awesome read. ^^ Looking forward to how they're going to bring down TFK :P


    Female Posts : 2009
    Join date : 2011-04-27
    Location : home


    Post by Brinckmyster Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:45 pm

    Yoyo wrote:Haha, love it.
    Though Yoyo's obsessions with her swords is getting kinda odd. xD;;

    I thought it was strange to begin with. Now it's just getting kinda creepy. Go back to being a man hater. I liked that better. WOTNOPOLIS: 27 72762

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